Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Best way to grow hair on the bald and thinning spots on the head

Baldness does not afflict men only.A large number of women also complain about bald and thinning spots on their head. Baldness and thinning of hair in both men and women are not restricted by age; they may occur at any age.

 Whether you are a man or a woman, you must watch out for bald areas on your head. If you find that your hair is thinning or altogether vanishing, you must take steps to stem the hair loss.

 The bald spots may vary in sizes. It is true that women often hide their bald and thinning spots because of their voluminous hair that allow a host of hairstyles; nonetheless their existence keeps rankling in their heart. Moreover, the bald areas may expand making them difficult to hide.

 Bald and thinning spots, whether in men or women, occur due primarily to lack of good nutrition and health problems.

 There are several health conditions that cause the loss of hair or baldness such as type 2 diabetes and thyroid problem. If you experience an abnormal hair loss, your hair is losing its shine, becoming dull, lifeless or you find it difficult to manage it, it is time you must see your physician for a checkup.

 If your hair is excessively oily, dry and has split ends, it is an indication that your body is over or under-producing sebum, a substance that controls the moisture of your hair. Unregulated production of sebum does not just manifest itself in the hair follicles on the head, but all over the body. Remember your head and hair are also parts of your body and are affected by its overall health.

 Baldness can often be cured by addressing the health problems.

 Another reason for baldness may be that the hair, sometimes, goes into ‘resting phase’ during which it refuses to grow. This, however, should not cause any despondency as the ‘resting phase’ may also end and the ‘growing phase’ may begin again.

 You need not wait for the growing phase to begin on its own, but can hasten its advent by taking the following steps:

 1. Use a good shampoo to wash your hair at frequent, but regular intervals. Do not, however, wash it every day in order to hurry up the hair growth. It may wash out the natural oil that is found in your scalp and damage it further. Natural oil in the head protects the hair from becoming weak, thin and breaking up.

 2. Comb your hair using a comb with wide teeth or with a brush made up of boar bristles. This will help you to distribute the oil all through your hair and over all the parts of your scalp. Comb or brush your hair starting from roots and ending up in tips. You will carry the powerful natural oil in the roots of the hair to their ends.

 3. Use  brahmi based Mira  hair oil. It is a hair specific hair oil. It nourishes the cuticles and penetrates the scalp to fill up the follicles. It is a great relaxer and anti-oxidant oil that speeds up the blood circulation and thus promotes a fast growth of healthy and luxuriant hair.



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